Supplements: Fact Sheet, Videos, Activities

These materials can give you, the trainer, powerful background information as you lead the workshop (but remember, no expertise is needed!)

Recording of the Presentation

Hear Nonprofits Talking Taxes Lead Trainer Kim Klein lead a webinar of the short PowerPoint. Watching this one-hour recording (with slides) will help you think about how you want to talk about the material in the presentation and engage your audience. Watch now.

1-page Fact Sheet

You can copy this Fact Sheet and pass it out to participants. It was created so that participants are encouraged to have future conversations, using some of the ideas from the workshop to engage co-workers, client/constituents, family and friends. You can encourage them to place it near their desks, on the refrigerator or in their wallets for quick reference when initiating a discussion.   

Supplemental Activities

These two activities can be added to the workshop at any time you think appropriate. They are both interactive and help participants practice thinking about their values, respectfully expressing their opinions, and having collaborative conversations.  


Check out these two great videos that make you think about different attitudes and approaches people have towards the common good.

  1. Our State, Our Budget – A comedy
    If you’ve ever thought – “we just have to do MORE with LESS. That’s why they call us Nonprofits!” – then this video is for you. Take a journey with Ms. Jones, as she finds out the hard way that wearing rose colored glasses can be a hazardous disposition.
  2. Who took the Gold? 
    About California’s tax and budget mess. And how we can fix it.
    By the California Civil Rights Coalition.